Saturday, April 9, 2011





It stated, quite correctly, Prof. Thereza Maria de Medeiros Pacheco, "Jayme de Sá Menezes belongs to the cohort that Bahia notable figures offered to Brazil."
None of his contemporaries excelled in competence, idealism and dedication.
Born in Salvador, April 3, 1917, and his parents Arthur and Luiza Sá Menezes Ferreira de Sá Menezes France.
Has the history in his hometown, when he joined the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, for which he was graduated in 1944.
Thereafter, the Full Professor. Maria Theresa, "was a continual rise and bright." His life was a series of successes in medicine, in Journalism, Letters and in the Arts.
Sylvio Abreu Fialho, surnamed him "the grand master of lyrics and intelligence."
As a journalist, has imposed an unpretentious style, elegant and unembarrassed. Thus was imposed on readers of the Portuguese Journal of Medicine ", the" Daily News ", the" A Tarde "," State of Bahia, "the" Journal of Bahia and of all journals and magazines that illustrated with their knowledge and experience.
In the "Portuguese Journal of Medicine", "Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia," in "Journal of the Historical Institute of Bahia and the Institute of History of Medicine Bahiano, the Genealogical Institute of Bahia and other institutions to which he belonged, wrote articles and gave lectures masterful on major figures and notable episodes of Medicine of Bahia.
Bright, above all, was his participation in the Center for Studies Baianos at the Academy of Medicine of Bahia and the Academy | Letters.
He published numerous books and biographical essays on the life and work of Miguel Couto, Cruz, Francisco de Castro, Miguel Camon, Viscount of Rio Branco in Brazil and other figures.
Physician and professor, writer, historian, biographer, was above all notable man of letters.
As a public man, he held positions of importance, including the Secretary of Health of the State of Bahia, and its administration praised by health workers of the stature of José Manuel Ferreira and Mario Pinotti (Minister of Health).
He taught at the medical and public health in the course of Bahia School of Medicine, earning the respect of colleagues, students and admirers.
The letters constituted his great vocation.
Humanist, a man of remarkable culture, deep knowledge of the classics, was a scholar and a stylist, whose production was praised for Wanderley Pinho, Otavio Mangabeira, Jorge Amado, Josué Montello, Estacio de Lima, Aloysio de Castro and other pair.
Holder of great merit medals, of which the highlight of Empress Leopoldina, Baron de Goiás, Pirajá da Silva, Castro Alves, Gaspar Viana, Ana Nery.
He died in 2001 leaving in Bahia, deep longing and dismay.


1. Pacheco Medeiros, Maria Theresa - Academic Jayme de Sá Menezes, Proceedings of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol.12, July 2003.
2. Sá Menezes, Jaime de - Hindsight History Foundation and Operation of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 1, April 1978.
3. -------------------- Francisco de Castro, Lighthouse of Medicine. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 3, June 1981.
4. ------------------- Inaugural Address as President of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Proceedings of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Vol 3, June 1981.
5. -------------------- Conference on Miguel Couto. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 3, June 1981.
6. -------------------- Child Beat. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Proceedings of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Vol 3, June 1981.
7. -------------------- Greetings from the Academy of Medicine of Bahia to the Holders of the National Academy of Medicine. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 4, June 1982.
8. -------------------- Speech-Report. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 4, June 1982.
9. -------------------- The Twenty-Five Years of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol.5, July 1983.
10. -------------------- Centenary of Arthur Neiva. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 5, July 1983.
11. -------------------- Youth, Maturity and Old Age. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 5, July 1983.
12. -------------------- A Farewell to President Luiz Fernando Macedo Costa. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 6, July 1985.
13. ------------------- The Twenty-Five Years of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 6, July 1985.
14. ------------------ Evolver Medicine. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 6, July 1985.
15. ------------------ Hundred and Eighty Years of the National Medical Education. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 8, September 1992.
16. ------------------ Words of Yesterday and Today - Salvador, 1993.
17. ----------------- Walk ... (Vol.1). Salvador, 1993
18. --------------- Unisex?! . Proceedings of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 9, September 1993.
19. -------------- Inaugural Address at the Academy of Medicine of Bahia. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Vol 10, December 1994.
20. ------------- In the Path of History and Arts. Salvador, 1994.

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