Sunday, April 3, 2011




 Jair Francis Burgos, "the sculptor of the female pelvis, was born in Salvador, on June 10, 1920.
In 1945, he graduated in Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Bahia.
As a student, joined the Gynecology Clinic at the invitation of Professor Alicio Peltier de Queiroz.
Defended doctoral thesis in 1953 entitled "Treatment of vesico-genital fistulas, process development," was approved with distinction.
In 1956 he won a full scholarship, with a thesis entitled "Vaginal hysterectomy at Mayo-Ward, in the treatment of vaginal prolapse.
Conducted several courses and internships, from 1959 to 1960, when he attended the Teachers' Service Gynecologic Luzia-Botella (Madrid), Funk Brentanot (Paris), Mazzatch (Milan), Inguiulla (Florence), Byckenbac (Munich) and Di Paola (Buenos Aires).
For thirty years, from 1960 to 1990, guided the physicians, including foreigners, who, at the Faculty of Medicine U
BM, specialized in gynecology.
In 1978 he was president of the Association of Medical Bahia, which has distinguished him with the diploma of Merit in recognition of services rendered to the profession.
By retiring from the Federal University of Bahia, has undergone significant honor, receiving the gold medal, a diploma and most of Merit.
Later, he was awarded the title of Professor Emeritus.
Participated in numerous medical conferences, presenting contributions of great value.
Argued doctoral theses and has taught courses in Gynecologic Surgery in the capital and countryside. Of its authorship are dozens of papers on topics of their specialty, published in journals in Brazil and abroad.
On such a singular figure of Medicine of Bahia, said Dr. Ibsen Pires de Novaes: "In their surgeries, was accurate, it operated with love and always asked his disciples how many clips he had in his hands. We just heard the noise of closing the two clamps and we had to confirm: "One, Professor." If we said two clamps, he replied: "Friend, I'm evil." Indagávamos: "Why, Professor?". The master replied: "Because I left realizing a double noise, a noise that was not one voice." When operated with the left hand, no one noticed, because the unique skill, characteristic of the best surgeon in the world! "
Reports the same pupil: "Once, at a congress in Central Brazil, specifically in Goiania, accompanied him as assistant and collaborator. There were seven days of intensive course, with crowded auditorium. We awoke every morning at four o'clock and thirty minutes to pass the classes and surgeries to be performed. Each was presented with the greatest brilliance and perfection. Perfection was his motto, and at the end of each intervention, he resumed the following, with equal enthusiasm, courage, love and security. "
Dr. Edson Od'wyer Jr. adds: "I owe you what I know of gynecologic surgery. Besides the technique, there is the philosophy of how and why to do, the emotion and respect in what you do, the joy of passing on what we know. I owe him that, too. "
The great master died on February 8, 1997, leaving a huge void in space that, for many decades, he served with rare dynamism, exceptional brilliance and unmatched expertise.


Burgos, Maria de Lourdes Santos Rocha - Thirty-seven years with Jair Francis Burgos, the surgeon sculptor of the female pelvis. Salvador, Bahia, 1997.

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