Friday, March 4, 2011



                         DEAR FRIENDS                                                     



Alfredo Soares da Cunha is considered the introducer of Homoeopathy in the State of Bahia, the pioneer in our land, the care and preparation of homeopathic medicines.
Having used all his available funds in an attempt to save his wife, Alfredo decided to study and become doctors. While he struggled to get the necessary resources to rebuild their modest home business, the newly widow, still young, he completed his studies in Rio de Janeiro and graduated in medicine.
Once a doctor, settled in Bahia and opened a homeopathic clinic, using methods that make drugs and, therefore, began to intrigue other colleagues, supporters of traditional medicine. Soon they would find it "quack" and move about against a campaign to discredit him. The opposition was so great that Alfredo Soares da Cunha was arrested four times for alleged "illegal practice of medicine."
The persistence of the "strange doctor" drew the attention of Governor Jose Joaquim Seabra "who, although suspicious, needed someone capable of healing the brother in law (the Federal Judge Manoel Durval) The doctors of the time. Alfredo Soares da Cunha accepted the challenge, thanked the trust, and using homeopathy to cure the patient and demonstrated the value of homeopathy.
His colleagues are not laid down their arms. Given the successful, changed tactics and responded with contempt. Contempt adopted even by their own lens of traditional Faculty of Medicine of the Shrine of Jesus, where he was a student of his sons, the young Murilo Soares da Cunha.
"The indifference and cowardice of doctors did not frighten Alfredo, who decided to hold a conference on homeopathy to students at the College. Despite being warned by his son that the invitation to the lecture was just a trap to discredit him, Alfredo was the Hall alone and began its first conference on the topic. Shortly before, however, the old College of the Shrine of Jesus was already in turmoil. The governor and his family got into the school's doors, ready to attend the conference of the physician and friend. Again the spell turned against the magician and Alfredo ended his presentation with a standing ovation by the audience that packed the Hall of the Faculty "(source cited).
His opponents do not yield and spread the word that his son could not receive the degree of doctor, because his thesis was rejected by the Congregation. Alfredo Soares da Cunha mobilized the press.
While giving an interview to the newspapers, was surprised by the news that her son had been approved with distinction.
A year later, Alfredo Soares da Cunha gave his office to his son and follower, Murilo Soares da Cunha. Homeopathic Laboratory inaugurated and guided the other children (Narciso, a graduate in pharmacy and medicine, and Alfredo, pharmacist).
Now is the year 1930, when Alfred and his sons founded the first homeopathic pharmacy of Bahia.
Other Soares da Cunha enriched the history of homeopathy in Bahia.

God is Homeopath. Correio da Bahia, edition of November 15, 2002. Available at http:// www. link = not000065064.xml


(Rooster, Ivone - Available in





"Initial information we have about homeopathy in Brazil date back to 1811. Prof. Dr. Antonio Ferreira France, who lectured at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, Bahia, wove, by then, unreasonable and malicious considerations on this new therapy, discouraging new students to have contact with homeopathic knowledge.
Around 1836, were the first official facts in relation to homeopathy. This year, the Imperial Academy of Medicine has published articles dealing on the homeopathic doctrine falsifying and misrepresenting the points made by Samuel Hahnemann, Organon of the Art of Healing, published in 1826. Frederick Emil Jahr, a Swiss immigrant, in this same time, defended a thesis in medicine, in Rio de Janeiro, on the proposal Therapy from Hahnemann. That argument, made by a doctor who has not exercised Homeopathy, served later as a basis for learning the first homeopathic physician in Brazil, it was Dr. Duque-Estrada (Domingos de Azevedo Coutinho de Duque-Estrada).
Before that however, this date, yet in 1810, Jose Bonifacio de Andrade e Silva (The Patriarch of Independence) met the homeopathic theory through contacts made by letters, Samuel Hahnemann. Jose Bonifacio was a great naturalist and developed the art of mining. Hahnemann was the greatest chemist of the time, had great knowledge at the time, which brought together the two. Hahnemann through his letters to Jose Bonifacio, introduced him to homeopathy, as was usually his correspondents, hoping that science would win the maximum possible land in the world "

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"On 1 July 1847, an article published in the Journal of Commerce transcribed the parting words of Dr. Mure that broke, sick and annihilated, back to France after being accused of poisoning a child sick with doses of Ignatia amara 5CH and one dose of Argentum nitricum 5CH.
Homeopathic Science climbing space followed by the company and the doctors of the time, through the publication of large and made homeopathic cures, always documented by the Journal of Commerce, and across regional borders, through the clever argument and polemic of Dr. John Vincent Martinez, that traveling to Bahia, there to let the doctrine of heavily seeded Hahnemannian cultured in mind the noted journalist and scientist,
Dr. Alexandre José de Melo Moraes. In this journey of disclosure, John Vicente Martins wanted to reach to the north, but retained the problems in Bahia, for almost two years. City Senhor do Bonfim, left for Pernambuco, where he managed the accession of Dr. Olegario Ludgelo Sabino Pinho and Carlos Chidloe who were the initiators of Homeopathy in that state. The spread from the north and northeast was the charge of Dr. Alexandre de Moraes and Olegario Sabino Pinho. At the southern end, Homeopathy has gained strong support and many were the great figures that have spread throughout the interior of Rio Grande do Sul, Porto Alegre and became home to a School of Homeopathic Medicine Ignatio created by Capistrano in 1914.
In Sao Paulo, homeopathy was introduced by Lorena in Dr.Joaquim José de Melo, before 1845, and its diffusion has occurred through the missions homeopathic (cross-promoted by graduates of the School of Homeopathic Brazil), for several towns.
Homeopaths then, armed with a pharmacy and imbued with the solidarity of medical awareness and knowledge received, leaving a deal with pests that decimated the populations of the borders of Brazil. Homeopathy gained strength in Sao Paulo, only after 1890, and the big names of this state were: Alberto Seabra, Antonio de Souza Nobre Murtinho, and Affonso de Azevedo Magalhães Castro.
In 1878, Saturnino de Meirelles and other reconstructed the former Homeopathic Institute of Brazil was named Institute Hahnemanniano Fluminense, first chaired by Dr. Duque-Estrada. In 1880, by decree of the Imperial Government, this institution was renamed as Institute Hahnemanniano Brazil - IHB. The Institute created the Homeopathic Hospital, and under the law Rivadavia, Faculty Hahnemannian with full teaching of medicine, under the chairmanship of renowned homeopath gaucho, Dr. Licinio Cardoso in 1912, the Brazilian who homeopathy to numerous feats. In 1918, the Institute Hahnemanniano of Brazil was allowed to graduate doctors and pharmacists in homeopathy. Soon after, in 1921 the College was deemed to Hahnemannian Colleges Officers of the Republic. In 1924, the Board of Education demanded the change of name to Hahnemannian College School of Medicine and Surgery Institute Hahnemanniano and in 1932, the Board of Education delivered the final blow in homeopathic education, stating that this was optional in that school university which had at the time, with approximately 1000 students, which came to weaken, ultimately, the homeopathic movement of this power that is now part of the University of Rio de Janeiro.
After World War I, the foundations linked to major corporations have passed in the interest of the market, through direct allocation of funds, the directions of knowledge generation and employment in developing these. During this period, in which industrialization directed evolution socio-political and cultural space for the development of science individualizing was very restricted, and with it the golden period of homeopathy fell into decay: first, the United States of America and later in Brazil.
Science Homeopathic coming from the half-century (nineteenth century), gaining strength and expanding on the world stage was severely shaken in its evolution, having been away from Universities (poles irradiation of knowledge and opinion formers social ).
On December 30, 1975, Professor. Antar Padilha Gonçalves proposes the exclusion of Homeopathy as optional discipline of the medical curriculum and its inclusion in the graduate course at the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Rio de Janeiro. Under the lucid and emotional demonstration against Prof. Dr. Camil Kuri, the pathetic proposal was approved, which resulted in complete loss of contact of a medical student at that university, with the homeopathic theory.
In the late 1970s, awareness about issues related to ecosystems and to the appreciation of being extended beyond the men of science and reached the general population, producing, thus, a holistic movement that reached the Class medical. This began to seek ways of understanding the disease process far apart from the vision presented by the compartmentalization of medical specialism. In this scenario, Homeopathy, Brazil, received new impetus from Sao Paulo, which became the center for the dissemination of new centers, to other states. From discussions headed by two great poles
Homeopathic, Rio de Janeiro and Sao Paulo, was born on the date of 24 November 1979 the Brazilian Homeopathic Medical Association - AMHB is the current representative of all homeopathic doctors in the country.
In 1980, there was a great achievement for Brazilian Homeopathy, which was recognized by the Federal Council of Medicine and Homeopathy-CFM Specialty Medicine. An important figure of this joint fit to Dr. Alberto Soares de Meirelles.
In 1990, the AMHB is now officially recognized by the Brazilian Medical Association and AMA-making on the Board of Medical Specialties of AMB. Since then, the evidence AMHB held annually for the Specialist in Homeopathy in partnership with AMB / CFM. She has worked to discuss and seek solutions to the medical school of homeopathy, as well as for the care of the needy population of our country. To do so, has been promoting the growth of the spirit of association of homeopathic physicians and stimulating its scientific development ".

"The doctor allopath in the nineteenth century, had attained positions at the institutional level that allowed a monopoly right in the profession. This greatly facilitated his victory over the homeopaths because under the common imperial traditional medicine did prolong the debate about Homeopathy and its technical assumptions, and thus postponed the legalization of homeopathic institutions that fun
ctioned in the country. This was a game useful for traditional medicine, for raising the issue of the illegality of homeopathy accounted take it into disrepute.
When at last the emperor D. Pedro II recognized the legality of homeopathy, the pressures of allopathic and were felt in the notice of 27 March 1846, allows the formation of homeopathic doctors, but Article 13 was established as follows: the empowerment of homeopathic physicians only become effective upon submission to the examination authorities, the official institution. In short, the teaching of homeopathy is recognized, but not the practice.
The truth is that this debate about the character of homeopathy through the entire century and still continues today, assuming of course, the contours of what is now understood as the modern science. In the 1880s, for example, when Dr. Joaquim Murtinho was a conference at the School of glory on the "law of similars," was summoned by the emperor, who heard about the reasons that led to the same drug to cause disease a healthy person and cure it a disease. Joaquim Murtinho who later was a member of the National Directory of the Republican Party and served three terms as senator of the republic, was blunt in his reply to that when recommending to the emperor "had an urge to watch a dissertation that His Majesty does not understand; let it stay home and read a page of Spencer "(Faria, Fernando Antonio. Brasileiras quarrels. Homeopathy and imperial policy. Rio de Janeiro, Notrya, 1994., p.79). Later, a more sophisticated version of evolutionism, the bias that permeates the Marxist reading of social relations, appears not to defend homeopathy, but to criticize it r4elegando her a place in a proto history of medical sciences, and sciences in general , along with alchemy, which must be located and their metaphysical principles of a general law, immutable, its false principles established a priori and this caused his unprovability (Novaes, Ricardo Lafetá. The time and order: about homeopathy. They are Paulo, Cortez Editora / Abrasco (Col. social thought and health, 1), 1989, p.269-176).
In the early nineteenth century, when the spread of homeopathy is beginning to take momentum into silent world, other responses were given by the adherents of the new medicine. Among these was the French Benoit Mure in whose discourse homeopathy appears as a revolution in terms of knowledge that had hitherto in medicine, because the cure was established by adopting the similar method, which is the inverse of the system by the widespread allopathy and second Mure, remained untouched and stagnant long tempo.Vê well, so, the understanding of homeopathy as a new science that came to replace "old medicine, traditional," allopathy. But for Wall, homeopathy should not be conceived as an isolated system or the other sciences, nor an economic practice and policy. It is part of the whole and represents and acts on the complexity of the organisms, is introducing the novelty of a holistic approach of human beings and the world.
Mure was born in Lyon, France in 1809, the seventh month of pregnancy and one quarter of one lung. In 1833, consumptive, was cured by Count Sébastien des Guidi had introduced homeopathy in Lyon, where he practiced from 1830 to 1863.
From the recovery of health, Mure turned completely to the spread of new medicine and moved by this view, humanitarian, has spent his entire fortune estimated at around 500 million francs. Mure, it seems, came from a family of merchants and Lyon can count on the support material needed for studies in medicine.
In 1837, imbued with the missionary desire to spread homeopathy went to Sicily and Malta. In Palermo, he founded a clinic that was later converted into the Royal Academy of Homeopathic Medicine.
When he returned to France in 1839, founded, in Paris, the dispensary, rue de la Harpe, where, according to information from Sophie Liet, he "received with sues developers over a thousand patients per semana.Este's lifetime coincides Mure with his admission to the movement Fourierist. Ali had found a favorable environment for discussion and dissemination of their ideas because Fourierists made space in their publications that could expose Wall freely their principles. In this environment, in living with the elite workers who then formed a dissident wing of the movement on Wall Fourierist that aroused the idea of accomplishment, outside of France, a colonization project as proposed by Charles Fourier. To sharpen this notion has joined other Members of the Union Harmonienne, including Jamain and Derrion, and January 21, 1840 comprised the association's statutes Union Industrielle. On Sept. 21, at the residence of the Brazilian Consul in Paris the association took a look official.
In November 1840, Dr. Benoit Mure landed in Rio de Janeiro, coming on the ship "Eole" which departed from Havre 44 days before. He was then 32 years old, was a tall, light in color. Behind the glasses had large blue eyes, his face was round and framed by a red beard. Wall had come accompanied by a woman from France named Anabelle Cretiat, which he claimed was his wife, and another name Camille Lallement who presented as his niece. Also accompanying the couple created an unidentified. On December 22 the Court left toward Santa Catarina where he intended to find the proper location for the establishment of his colony of industrial design, modeled on phalanstery.
Mure, formed as a homeopathic physician in Montpellier, he had come, therefore, in order not to spread homeopathy in Brazil but realize a social fund project.
The achievements of Mure caused a certain resentment and also a fellow Fourierist, in Recife that held the engineering profession. It was Louis Léger Vauthier.
On December 14, 1841, arrived in Rio de Janeiro the first 100 settlers with their families and were welcomed in a festive atmosphere. These workers of Lyon origin, were part of society Imdustrielle Union, which was founded Wall before leaving for Brazil.
Disagreements between Wall and a group of settlers, Wall abandoned in mid-1843, the colony, devoting himself to pursue activities that started in 1841.
 In December 1843, he founded the Homeopathic Institute in Brazil, with the goal of spreading homeopathy to the poor.
Right at the second annual meeting of the Institute, Dr. John Vincent Martin proposed the founding of an Academy of Homeopathic Medicine and Surgery and a month later, on February 6, 1845, classes started. At School, Mure ministered the lessons of physiology, pathology and homeopathic doctrine.
To publicize the progress of homeopathy in Brazil, Wall and his associates founded a magazine called The Sciences, which began circulating in 1847.
In the place of the office work, yet since 1845, the Company Hahnemannian, which had changed its statutes in 1837. It was a scientific society that aimed to "review and improvement theory and practice of homeopathy."
On April 13, 1848, Wall left Brazil.
The contribution of Dr. Wall for the final deployment of homeopathy in Brazil, therefore, is undeniable.

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