Monday, February 28, 2011





Afrânio Coutinho dos Santos, son of the engineer Eurico da Costa Coutinho and Coutinho dos Santos Pinheiro Adalgisa. Born in Salvador on March 15, 1911.
He completed elementary school in public school, back in 1917 to 1922.
The junior high school was also carried out in Salvador, at Our Lady of Victory Gym, the Marist Brothers.
He enrolled in the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, in 1926. After he moved to the Medical School of Rio de Janeiro, which he left graduate in 1931.
Procedure was the Military Police Hospital and Clinic Propedêutica, Prof Service. Prado Valadares.
Soon after graduation he was appointed librarian of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, and in the immediate years, defining its inclination to the lyrics, collaborated in the newspapers soteropolitanos. His articles have achieved great success, transcribed in newspapers of Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte.
During the years 1938 - 1941 he taught History and General History of Philosophy at Our Lady of Victory Gym and other schools in Salvador.
In 1941 he became Professor of Modern and Contemporary History at the Faculty of Philosophy of Bahia.
The following year, he traveled to the United States where he taught, Portuguese and Brazilian Literature at the University of Vermont in Burlington. He was also secretary-editor of the magazine Reader's Digest, delivered several conferences and attended several courses at the Ecole Libre des Hautes Etudes in New York and Columbia University (1942-1947).
He has written numerous articles about Brazil and Brazilian books translated into English, upon request of the publisher Alfred Knopf, New York.
In 1947 he returned to Brazil and continued his intense intellectual activity, delivering lectures and holding conferences and writing articles on Brazilian Literature, History and Philosophy.
Brilliant competitions held through which he became Professor of the College D. Pedro II (1951) and the Faculty of Philosophy Institute Lafayete (1948).
In 1971 he was a visiting professor at the University of Cologne, West Germany.
In 1974, he was a visiting professor at the invitation of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of France, from various universities in this country and in 1977 became a regular member of the International Institute of Ibero-American Literature, based in the United States.
He participated in hundreds of international conferences, projecting Brazil in various countries worldwide.
He died on August 5, 2000, in the city of Rio de Janeiro.


1 - Available on Afrânio Coutinho- = Afranio & q = + = the holy coutinho = & btnG = Google + Search & meta =
lr% 3dlang_pt. Accessed November 30, 2008.
2 - Available on Afrânio
ler.asp? id = 63925 & title = lucio. Accessed November 30, 2008.








 Couple's son Alexandre Soares Albergaria Albergaria and Iraídice, residing in the neighborhood of
 Rome, the capital of Bahia. Humble house, whose characteristic was the existence of a short wall of protection from the fury of the sea. In the "home of the short wall of rocks," Soares Albergaria Adroaldo lived his childhood and youth. Hostels never forgotten and memorialized in the following verses:

                                                 "Here everything is sublime:
                                                  Far, the vacancy hollyhock ...
                                                  Comes crashing into the sand ...
                                                  Here everything is expressed:
                                                  The sky-what beauty! ...
                                                  I think there at the time
                                                  There are sparkles diamonds
                                                  Fire crystal!
                                                  Undresses the beach (nua. ..)
                                                   In light of eteral moon
                                                   Waltzes, loaded,
                                                   Parade serenade ... "

Poor, persistent and scholar, he pursued since childhood, the dream of being a doctor. With that goal, he went to elementary school in Castro Alves, located in the neighborhood of Rome. The junior, attended him in the Gymnasium of Bahia and, after two University entrance, joined in 1945, the Faculty of Medicine.
To stay in college, he took advantage of a poor job in the lab Sanitarium St. George.
Their political sparked when she joined the faculty, which elevated him to elective posts such as the chairmanship of the Central Directory of Students UFBa. and representation of his series on several occasions.
Upon completion of medical school in 1950, was elected valedictorian. His address at the ceremony, very well designed, drew attention to the figure of the old "family doctor" and contained an appeal to human solidarity.
They were classmates: Arudy Costa Penna, Carlos José de Souza Alves, Geilza Batinga Clavier, Geraldo Leite, Geraldo Rocha, Jorge Fernando Pereira Studart, José dos Santos Pereira Filho, Maria de Lourdes Rocha Santos, Vital Ferreira de Morais Sarmento and Zilton Andrade de Araújo (2).
Once formed, Adroaldo Hostels served public and private institutions with the greatest devotion and seriousness. Never, however, left his office, meeting him every day, his bulky clientele.
It was a general practitioner and, unlike most of his peers, attended to his patients in his office and elsewhere, including the customer's residence. For him, the profession was a ministry and as such, had no time or address.
It was the Municipal Secretary of Health and Chairman of the Institute of Municipal Security System. It was in the exercise of that last job that death surprised him.
Medical and cultural associations, such as the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Bahia Institute of History of Medicine, the Brazilian Society of Medical Writers-Regional da Bahia, industrious contribution paid.

1. Pine, Alvaro Rubin - Inaugural Address. Annals Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Volume 4: 11. Cultural Foundation of Bahia. Salvador, 1982.
2. Tavares Neto, Jose - 1812 to 2008 Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia. Feira de Santana, 2008.



Born in 1864 in Bahia. He graduated in Medicine in 1885, the Faculty of Medicine of the Shrine of Jesus.
They were classmates Alfredo Thome de Britto, Ignatius Gouveia Monteiro de Almeida, José Júlio Calazans, Julio Soares de Pinho and Raphael Martins Baggi Jacome. First, Professor and Director of the School and the rest, teachers (2).
He began his academic life in 1891 when took over the chair of Medical Clinic, the rank of assistant professor. In 1911 he became professor extraordinary effective Microscopic Anatomy (Histology), a position he held until 1925, when he was put on standby. He retired in 1934.
Conducted several training courses in Europe, where he studied histology with the best teachers of the Old World.
State Representative, State Senator and Congressman, has proved to be a politician of great integrity and loyalty.
Medical high concept, brought the practice with extraordinary brilliance. Eduardo de Oliveira Sá says: "Adriano dos Reis Gordilho had absorbed most of his life with a large clientele in the exercise of which revealed the soul of a doctor and an apostle, because it never sought anything but the healing of many customers. As a teacher, also was a strict observant of their duties while treating each student as a friend. "
In addition to his doctoral thesis entitled "Clinical Forms of uremia," published several speeches.
He died in 1938.


1. Sá Oliveira, Eduardo - Historical Memory of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, concerning the year 1942 - Editorial and Didactic Centre of the Federal University of Bahia. Salvador, 1992.
2. Tavares-Neto, Jose - 1812 to 2008 Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia. Feira de Santana, 2008.



(Miscellaneous - Adriano Azevedo Ponde, Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth. Bahia State Government, Department of Culture and Tourism. Salvador, 2001.)

Son of John Ponde, a great physician from Bahia, Adriano de Azevedo Pond is considered one of the prominent figures of Medicine of Bahia.
In 1918, he joined the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, in which pasted the degree of Doctor of Medicine in 1923. They were classmates Adolpho Diniz Gonçalves, Alfredo and Rosa Boureau, Arthur Ramos da Costa (4).
As a doctoral student, won the Alfredo Britto, conferred, the author of the best scientific work.
In 1928 it was approved in competition, to Full Professor of Clinical Medicine Propedêutica. In 1939, also by competition lived up to the title of Professor of Medical Propedêutica. In 1945, it managed to transfer the function of the First Chair Professor of Clinical Medicine, whose function remained until retirement, for the implement of age.
Rodolfo Teixeira says: "Adriano Pondé - restless spirit and progressive, educated in the humanities and medical science, able to select and gather information and youth oriented - has major initiatives in their favor.
Inspired and structured, since the bases, Cardiology in Bahia. Was the one who started the practice of electrocardiography and other measures propedeutics the field of cardiology in our environment. He became interested in Chagas' disease and has published several papers on the subject. "
He became interested, too, for other issues such as the schistosome, participating in studies on the so-called "rapid treatment" of the parasite.
In an era in which teachers and students, most of them had French training, Adriano Pondé read and wrote English and this language sought frequently update in medicine. Remember Hannibal Silvany Son that "because this fact was considered by many of his peers as an innovator."
Member of the Academy of Letters of Bahia, the Academy of Medicine of Bahia and several other scientific and cultural institutions, was Professor Adriano Pondé a great manager.
Built the Hospital of the late Professor Edgard Santos was designated for transfer by the same clinics that were operating in the former Hospital for the new Santa Izabel Hospital, which was done with such efficiency that the accredited for another made equally important to Install the schools of Nursing and Nutrition.
Died on June 4, 1987, in Salvador.

Loving, friendly
Doctor Emeritus
Respectful of life
Faithful friend
Remarkable for simplicity
The righteous man

God created you for great things
The son responded with wisdom

Example of life
Looking to the future

That is my vision of the Master

Beatriz Alfredo
1st Class of the School of Nutrition
Acrostic awakened during the experience in
June 27, 2001
Amoroso, afável
Doutor emérito
Respeitador da vida
Inteligência brilhante
Amigo fiel
Notável pela simplicidade
O homem íntegro

Deus o criou para grandes coisas
E o filho correspondeu, com sabedoria

Exemplo de vida
Olhar para o futuro

É essa a minha visão do Mestre

Beatriz Alfredo
da 1a Turma da Escola de Nutrição
Acróstico despertado durante a vivência em
27 de junho de 2001


1. Souza, David Agnaldo - Inaugural Address at the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Proceedings of the Academy of Medicine of Bahia, Volume 8:99. Salvador, 1992
2. Miscellaneous - Adriano Azevedo Ponde, Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth. Bahia State Government, Department of Culture and Tourism. Salvador, 2001 ..
3-Put Adriano Azevedo - Chagas disease in Bahia. Available at http:// Search? Hl = en & q = + adriano + the + pond% azevedo
C% A9btnG + Google = Search & meta = lr% Dlang_pt. Accessed on 21 ten
ember 2008.0
4. Tavares Neto, Jose - 1812 to 2008 Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia.

"YOUR DAY WAS GOOD ..." Author: Rodolfo Teixeira.
 (From the book "Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth." Salvador: Color Press, 2001

(Available in Imgem Accessed December 23, 2008)

"I do not know if his love of teaching supplanted it reached full satisfaction in practicing medicine in his office across the street from Help. Year after year heard, addressed, treated, counseled thousands of people. Their presence in hospitals of Bahia was a constant until the end of their physical possibilities. Never declined to practice medicine at home. Only someone who has this type of apostolate is that it can assess the validity and scope of work of a physician who runs the practice. There are valid reasons that could separate the sick from your doctor, so united by the feelings and emotions. The first requirement that must be demanded of a good clinician is to be patient and simple, then, is to listen, to comprehend the human condition and be compassionate with those who suffer, is whether that technology is necessary but not a priority. Ethics is the shadowy mysteries of life and soul of its manifestations. Herein comes down the true meaning of the medical art that is so depending on the culture of the spirit.
Adriano Pondé adjusted to these principles. Humanist, like many of his generation. He had the innate taste for the arts and literature, which, after all, in his professional demise, in the autumn years, he hosted and played down the days. Member of the Academy of Letters of Bahia, where he remained loyal to the same virtues that made him respected and applauded education and the craft of medicine.
He was a founder of the Academy of Medicine of Medicine of Bahia. Occupied the chair 24, whose patron is another stellar figure: Gonçalo Moniz de Aragao.
Adriano Pondé was a past president of the Medical Association Bahia, a position he held with the usual zeal and competence.
Reflect the life of Adriano Azevedo Pond and it occurs to me to conclude that "your day has been good and that when night fell, the night with all its charms, found the field plowed, clean the house, the table set. With everything in its place " 

 Author: Roberto Figueira Santos
 (From the book "Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth." Salvador: Color Press, 2001) 


"So it was extremely zealous in preparing lectures. It worried him, above all, the constant updating, the best sources of material that classes had to successive years of the last doctor. For that, he was always among teachers that the expense of his own pocket books and many journal subscriptions of its specialty. Irregularity (I could tell, irresponsibility) on acquisition of specialized libraries. Teachers more aware of the importance of training up to date - including Adriano occupied immovable position - felt obliged to pay with their meager wages to purchase a vast bibliography. The conservation of these books and magazines, tools essential to our work, is becoming increasingly expensive in modern life, the space requirement for the care and prophylaxis of various "diseases" they are exposed, particularly when kept in the home environment and not properly heated in institutional libraries and in the care of specialized personnel. How Adriano preceded the era of Xerox and the Internet, the editors, the wonders of the sensational and designed printers connected to computers, was for him - and his aides, a constant struggle to obtain and provide reproductions or microfilm reading machines that by more sophisticated, always left to be desired. Only the older ones know how new technologies have made it all easier for scholars dedicated to their work. The youth of today to have found such low-cost advantages do not always realize the immense tenacity required of those who preceded them, when they wanted to keep up with the scientific publications or find copies of publications older.
Hadrian's concern with the current school went further. The restless temperament led him to seek what is more advanced with respect to audio-visual methods, long before they become routine. So much for the lessons to the presentation of his own research, and material handling equipment acquired projection carefully chosen. Remember that all this occurred when the poverty of local institutions was much greater than today.
In spite of much that I learned the discipline of clinical medicine as a disciple of Hadrian, the biggest cause of my admiration for his performance as a teacher in a colossal effort that is devoted to clinical research, even when they were extremely precarious means at our disposal. What will your best in these works date from before the operation of the Hospital and was mainly the old Santa Izabel environment of the 1930s and 1940s. Very few of his colleagues were the chair he succeeded in producing at the same time, work of comparable density, for example, the studies on myocardial infarction and Chagas disease in our land ... "




"Another aspect of the personality of Professor. Adriano Pondé was represented by his insatiable intellectual curiosity. It was an eternal apprentice. There were thought to own any real knowledge. When predicted that English would become universal and that the hegemony of French would be overthrown, he decided to study English, and soon began, with his youthful enthusiasm, to speak without fear of mistakes early and normal. He said at the time that those who knew no English, only used one hemisphere.
In his specialty, cardiology, scientific advances were continuous and extensive. And he said he was always learning and updating and monitoring what was happening in every other study centers in cardiology. His thesis was about competition myocardial infarction. At a time when there was no Internet Bireme, managed, in a Homeric effort, bringing together what had been done worldwide on the topic and published a thesis that became famous for the amount of information provided.
Another important quality possessed Prof. Adriano Pondé: he was an administrator genetically well structured.
Dedicated to work, where he found the realization of his creative impetus, few people knew how to distribute your time and do everything he did with total concentration of his thoughts. "




Author: Gusmao Ernane
 (From the book "Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth." Salvador: Color Press, 2001) 
"One time I was listening for the chest of a patient admitted, when the master quietly came up to me and, almost babbling, not to sound grandiloquent, guided my stethoscope to interescapulovertebrais spaces, then for the subscapular and basal Finally the lateral infra-axillary, where I could actually find the murmurs he sought. Minutes later, the hallway, he told me - "Gusmao, there, over the spinous process of the scapula is not heard nothing or almost nothing."
Another time, he called all the interns and residents of Ward careful auscultation of rales basal crackles in the typical case of lobar pneumonia. I well remember his words, glosses past seven - "Listen well, make the hearing; that crackle in the alveoli is typical of pneumonic exudate; seems the thin crack of coals in a campfire, is unmistakable." And he smiled satisfied, happy with learning of the disciples, knowing that never forget about those crept pathognomonic. And it did.
In another opportunity, since medical post-graduate degree in Nephrology, in private practice of the hospital clinic, was watching a serious surgical patient to another exponent of Medicine of Bahia, Professor. Wenceslas Pires da Veiga, when the presence of Professor Wenceslaus Pires da Veiga, when the presence of Professor Adriano, as a Cardiologist emeritus, was necessary. The patient in shock and did not respond to therapeutic maneuvers tested by me, when the master, with great simplicity, he suggested doubling or tripling the dose of aminodopaminérgica that flowed through the serum therapy. I answered him ready, pair watch, almost immediately, the situation changes. As we contemplate together the rapid transformation of cyanotic nail bed and the rocks of the fingertips, in auspicious pink tone, while the levels of blood pressure rose, pale and coldness of the extremities warmed up, smiled quietly to each other and he said: - "It's fantastic, just fantastic." Oozed old teacher with the latest wonders of vascular therapy. It seemed drunk with a child the magic of his toy.
It was thus, in my view, Professor Adriano Pondé. A simple man, affable, accessible, full of geniuses. Of those who age like wine, getting better ... "




Author: Silva Penildon
 (From the book "Homage to the students in the centenary of his birth." Salvador: Color Press, 2001)




Sunday, February 27, 2011


Born in Salvador, in 1830 and pasted the degree of Doctor of Medicine at the Medical School of Bahia, in 1851, when he defended a thesis on "The medication revulsive.
They were classmates: Domingos Rodrigues and Jose Eduardo Seixas Freire de Carvalho, the school's faculty (3).
Opposed by tender of the Surgical Section, in 1856, when he defended a thesis on "Consideration of the means employed in the surgical cure of bladder stones"
Teacher, by tender of Descriptive Anatomy in 1862, during which he defended a thesis on "Considerations about the nervous system ganglionário, and its connections with the cerebrospinal nervous system." In 1875, he was transferred to the chair of Births
Undertook a study trip and further to Europe where he apprenticed in the best anatomical services from the Old World.
He was awarded many titles and awards, including the 2nd Baron Itapoã (1872). The 1st Baron was Itapoã José Joaquim Nabuco de Araujo, Brazilian magistrate and politician who lived from 1764 a1844.
Adriano Alves de Lima Gordilho was Commander of the Order of the Rose and Adviser to the Emperor Pedro II.
Author of Historical Memory, Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, for the year 1868.
He retired in 1890.
"Great concept Itapoã reached the Baron, as a surgeon, a midwife was the deep knowledge and unique ability. He had, therefore, a special clinic. In October 1892, the eminent master ended his own life, thus losing the medical society a remarkable intelligence and a magnificent work "(2).
Bottom of Form
The purpose of the sad occurrence, it reads: "And so, supposedly, happened. On October 18, 1892, Baron Itapoã famous obstetrician in Bahia's capital, would have locked in the room, blocking the keyhole with a sheet of paper and cut his throat with a razor. Not having the habit of shaving, the baron had shortly before he borrowed the instrument to a neighborhood barber. In addition, he bought and ingest high dose of "syrup Follet," which strengthened the suspicion of his intention to undermine life itself. After the first cut he repeated and repeated the operation until you can break completely the left common carotid, with a profusion of blood. Mortally wounded, even for a few seconds stood before a mirror hanging on the wall, then head to bed. However, he could not achieve by going to the ground after giving violent with his forehead on the edge of the bed. To make the local expertise and body of the Baron, he was called Dr. Raymundo Nina Rodrigues, a leading name in legal medicine in Brazil, then still in his early career. Nina Rodrigues studied carefully the evidence found and concluded that it was a classic case of suicide and banal by section of the neck "(1).

1. Antunes, José Leopoldo Ferreira. Medicine, law and morality. São Paulo, 1999.
2. Sá Oliveira, Eduardo - Historical Memory of the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia, concerning the year 1942. Salvador, 1992.
3. Tavares-Neto, Jose - 1812 to 2008 Graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of Bahia. Feira de Santana, 2008.


Prof reports. José Leopoldo Ferreira Antunes, part of the report of Prof. Nina Rodrigues, about the motives of the Baron Itaopã to commit such an extreme gesture: Nina, he says, "discriminate reasons which led the doctor lamented to despair: age, fatigue, upset. Retired from teaching against the desire for retirement, Baron Itapoã saw his clinic's clientele, once vast and profitable, to gradually disband the competition, until it disappears completely when it came to deafness. Pending family took him to the courts and got registered in their testamentary dispositions. Furthermore, a few years earlier he had lost a son to yellow fever, a disease which he believed to have transmitted to the baby, after contracting it while watching a sick "(op. cit.)



Abilio Borges was born on September 9, 1824, in Rio de Contas, Rio Claro Old Mines, now the town of Barra. His parents were Miguel Borges de Carvalho and Maria Mafalda Borges's Passion.
Physician and educator, creator of our textbook. It is considered the "Pestalozzi Brazilian."
He attended the first letters in his home village in which it concluded primary education. Before completing fourteen years, went to the capital of the province to attend classes at College of Our Lady of Conception, one of the most prestigious schools in Bahia.
On February 28, 1842, he enrolled in the first year doctor.
In his senior year, he transferred to counterparts in Rio de Janeiro, where he graduated in 1847.
Informa LAUREL DE SOUZA (1922): "Your course was the most brilliant, having won several awards." Completed medical school, Abilio Borges, driven by his true calling, he returned in 1848 to Bahia to hold the post of Director of Public Instruction and founded the city of Salvador, Bahia Gymnasium and Atheneum Barrense.
Has worked with efficacy in the press, and editor of several journals.
Provided that the Director of Public Instruction of Bahia, "in his address to the Imperial Minister, Joao Alfredo Correia de Oliveira, urged him to create the Ministry of Education"
In front of the Gym Baiano was for fourteen years, during which he visited Europe to improve their pedagogical knowledge.
In 1871 he returned to Rio de Janeiro where they remained until death. Ali founded the College and Abilio Ten years later, two others, one in Botafogo and a Barbacena, Minas Gerais.
Abilio The College was considered one of the finest in the Imperial capital, comparable to Europe's most popular. Studied in that college Luis Edmundo Castro Alves, Ruy Barbosa, Raul Pompeia.
Raul Pompeii was built and the College Abilio Borges portrayed later in his book "The Athenaeum"




(Extracted fromórias/memórias_escola.html)

 "The farm life was becoming too limited for the lust of my father. In early 1854, then went to live in Salvador, in a street of the Rosary. This house, which would mark a definitive way my life was full of legends and mysteries: a beautiful girl, Julia Fetal, was murdered by her boyfriend, who, mad with jealousy, with a bullet had struck gold. In this house were born my dear younger sister Adelaide and Amelia, in 1855, tying the game in 3x3 between men and women.
In addition to practicing science, Dad was given to paint. In 1856, he was a founder of the Society of Fine Arts of Bahia, the same year that I began studies at the College Sebrae. But then I transferred to the Gymnasium Baiano, Doctor Abilio Borges, Baron Macaúbas future. At the time - 1858 - Doctor's ideas were the most: we studied various subjects at the same time, we received no physical punishment, we were encouraged to participate in tournaments literary. To me, that already had cultivated the love of art with the family, was a kind of foreplay (pardon the immodesty) for future glory. Celebrated mainly civic dates, and that love made Brazilians left the premature seeds that would germinate in my adult poetry. I've enjoyed public speaking, reciting poems, carefully took notes in a notebook. Later, I had the wisdom to end this poetry, by preventing the early texts Cecéu (as I was known) were published in book form.
This period, the bad news was the death of my mother in 1859, aged 33. Desperate, my brother attempted suicide. I do not like talking about it. Unlike other poets, bother my mother in depicting poems. And the man had a crazy reaction. Madness and death were the themes of fashion, I suffered both in the flesh ... "